Tuesday, June 19, 2012

28: Former KPS student a government minister

At the Singapore Heritage Fair @ the Novena Square in 2011, I took a picture of Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, the Minister of Information, Communication and the Arts who told me that he was an old boy of Kembangan Primary School.

Alamak: I forgot to pose for a picture with him.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

27: A Souvenir from the Past

This coin purse was given to everyone @ Kembangan Primary School on National Day 1985, a quarter of a century ago. Wonder how many ex-KPS students still have this souvenir!

Monday, November 14, 2011

26: A KPS86 Camp Foto

A recent posting by Zulfigar Ahmad Khan (KPS86) carried this photo of the school camp. Needless to say, many ex-KPSians responded with nostalgic comments. Me, too.
The foto above as well as Zulfigar's recollection of a minor flooding of the PA Campsite, prompted me to surface an old KPS Newsletter report of the camp.
Here it is:
And to this, Sk Abu commented: "The girl standing is me!"

Monday, October 24, 2011

25: Akan Datang - In the Pipeline

So active are the ex-KPSians in the Facebook Group "Kembangan Primary School" that a project is being thought-through and plans made to bring it to fruition, the brain-child of Yatie Amin. And it has the support of many ex-KPSians, Zulfigar, Dr Ibrahim himself an ex-KPSian, and me.
Here's a posting to give you some insight as to what is happening. I'm obviously very thrilled by what is going to be unveiled!

24: My Participation in FB Group - Kembangan Primary School

Since Jan 2011, I've been an interested contributor to the multifarious posts that ex-KPSians are contributing.
I say: KPS Boleh!
Here are some of my postings:
(Above)- I'm looking for info.
(Below)- Seeking clarification.

(Below): Sharing info.

(Below)- Fishing?

(Below)- Something from the Past

23: Facebook Group: Kembangan Primary School

In Jan 2011, I chanced upon an Open Group for Kembangan Primary School. It was initiated by Zulfigar Ahmad Khan, an old boy of Kembangan Primary School from 1981-1986. Truly a gold nugget for me, I thought!