Monday, October 24, 2011

25: Akan Datang - In the Pipeline

So active are the ex-KPSians in the Facebook Group "Kembangan Primary School" that a project is being thought-through and plans made to bring it to fruition, the brain-child of Yatie Amin. And it has the support of many ex-KPSians, Zulfigar, Dr Ibrahim himself an ex-KPSian, and me.
Here's a posting to give you some insight as to what is happening. I'm obviously very thrilled by what is going to be unveiled!

24: My Participation in FB Group - Kembangan Primary School

Since Jan 2011, I've been an interested contributor to the multifarious posts that ex-KPSians are contributing.
I say: KPS Boleh!
Here are some of my postings:
(Above)- I'm looking for info.
(Below)- Seeking clarification.

(Below): Sharing info.

(Below)- Fishing?

(Below)- Something from the Past

23: Facebook Group: Kembangan Primary School

In Jan 2011, I chanced upon an Open Group for Kembangan Primary School. It was initiated by Zulfigar Ahmad Khan, an old boy of Kembangan Primary School from 1981-1986. Truly a gold nugget for me, I thought!

22: School Closing Ceremony

All too soon, it was coming to the end of the year 1987 and the scheduled close of Kembangan Primary School by MOE. A Closing Ceremony was held to mark the occasion and bid farewell to the school.
(Above): Principal welcomes Guest-of-Honour Asst Director/Media-CDIS with Miss Ng Ah Luat, EL Co-ordinator.

(Above): MOE officialguests
(Below): Guests and Parents

21: SAC celebrates Teachers' Day 1987

On Teachers' Day, apart from the concert celebration in school, there was a Teachers' Day Dinner hosted by the School Advisory Committee.

20: Other Activities of the Principal

In addition to my work as Principal, I had to lend support to the activities of my fellow principals.
Here are a few of these activities:

19: Excursions

The school organised many excursions and visits to places of educational interest.
One such place was the National Museum.
After their visit to the museum, the students did a project in collaboration with the education officers of the museum.

18: Assembly

The first period of the week was Assembly. During Assembly, the Principal usually spoke on topics that would give the students food for thought.

The teachers and invited guests such as the Police, Army, Civil Defence, Social Organisations and MOE officials also spoke to the students during Assembly to enable the students to have a wider world view.

17: Sports Day 1987

The Sports Secretary of the school did a great job organising the last Sports Day of the school.

Mr Sie Chin Hong the previous principal was the Guest-of-Honour.

16: Teachers' Day 1987

15: School Camp

The students loved camping, and so the last school camp was held in ECP.

14: Art Competition

In conjunction with the National Day celebration, there was an Art Competition.

13: Celebrating National Day 1987

As usual, there was a Ceremony in which the Principal read the National Day message from MOE.

In addition, for parents, guests and teachers, there was a tea reception in the Staff Room.

12: School Prefects 1987

School Prefects helped the school to maintain discipline in the school. Being a Prefect enabled the student to learn to be a fair-minded leader.
(Above)- Installation of School Prefects
(Below)- Briefing of School Prefects
More pictures of School Prefects:

11: School Advisory Committee

Members of the School Advisory Committee helped in the running of the school on a consultaive basis. I am thankful for their voluntary services.

10: KPS Graduating Classes - 1987

These were the last 2 graduating classes of Kembangan Primary School.

9: My Second Year in Kembangan Primary School

1987 was my second year as Principal of Kembangan Primary School. It was to be my last as the school was scheduled to be closed by MOE at the end of the year, and I would be appointed as the first principal of Xinmin Primary School in Hougang the following year.

8: Prize-Giving Day 1986

As reward for their hard work and effort during the school year, diligent students were proud to receive their reward at the School Annual Prize-Giving Day.

7: Kembangan Primary School Camp

The school camp was always an exciting time for the students. Here they are: enjoying a camp-fire activity during school camp.

6: KPS Principal in other school functions

As KPS Principal, it was also my duty to attend other school functions to lend support to them. Here are 2 samples of the matter.

5: MP came to help

Early one morning, tragedy struck: one of our pupils was killed when the school-bus she was travelling in collided with a heavy vehicle.
There was heavy sadness in the school. Luckily, MP for Kembangan Mr Yatiman Yusof came to know about the accident. He took time off from his busy schedule to visit the school and gave useful advice to all concerned, including the victim's classmates.
Thank you, Mr Yatiman, for being so caring.

4: Teachers' Day & End-of-Year Staff Dinner 1986

In honour of teachers, the school celebrated Teachers' Day with a concert in which the students took part. At the concert, all the teachers were presented with an orchid flower by the pupils. I too was presented with an orchid flower by the School Prefect on behalf of all the students.
*Year-End Staff Dinner:
In Nov 1986, the school held a dinner @ Meridien Hotel Changi to celebrate the end of the school year. The teachers and non-teaching had done a good job, so the dinner was a kind of reward for them.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

3: National Day Celebration 1986

An important day in Kembangan Primary School was National Day. And so it was celebrated with joy in the school with a concert and food & drinks for all.

2: Kembangan Primary School Leaders 1986

The Subject Co-ordinators were the school leaders of the time, helping the Principal to supervise the teaching of the various subjects.
Picture shows (L-R):
Mrs H Ramalingam, Miss Ng Ah Luat, Lee Shin Chin, Wong Shou Ying - Sr Asst, Albert Ong - Principal, Mrs Chee Keng Leng, Heng Kueh Boong, Cik Hanifa bte Masdawod,
Boh Jow Shin.

1: Purpose of blog: My KPS Daze

This blog documents my days as Principal of Kembangan Primary School from 1986-1987, and later as a Facebook Friend of the FB Group Kembangan Primary School in 2011.